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Zhenye Aquatic: Consistent Product Quality Is Crucial for Market Expansion

2024-05-08 19:56:25 [关于我们] 来源:蘑菇影视网

Zhenye Aquatic: Consistent Product Quality Is Crucial for Market Expansion_南方+_南方plus

Editor's Note

Guangdong Province is a major importer and exporter of agricultural produce in China. Guangdong, shouldering the responsibility and mission of "promoting reform and opening-up with greater determination at a higher level", has redoubled efforts to promote the connection of the province's agricultural sector to the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) in recent years. Additionally, it has steadily advanced the stability and quality improvement across the province concerning the agricultural foreign trade. In order to lead the country in developing a new pattern of comprehensive opening-up of the agricultural sector, Guangdong has launched a range of actions. Specifically, it has initiated the Guangdong Featured and Superior Agricultural Brand Promotion and Brand Operation Program, planned for the implementation of the "Project of High-quality Development of Villages, Towns, and Counties", and strengthened the province's international communication capability for the purpose of better narrating the stories about Guangdong's rural revitalization.

Time flies as the tide of the Pearl River rises and falls. The year 2023 signifies the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative. It is also a year when foreign market expansion has become a common practice for agricultural enterprises in Guangdong. Numerically, 17 enterprises in the province have been identified as the "High-quality Development Base for International Agricultural Trade", including Zhenye Aquatic (Huilong) Ltd. ("Zhenye Aquatic"), an excellent representative from Zhaoqing, Guangdong. Guangdong Nanfang Rural News recently interviewed Deputy General Manager Chen Zhumei at Zhenye Aquatic concerning relevant topics.


Guangdong Nanfang Rural News: Guangdong has held promotional and exchange events for premium agricultural produce in multiple countries since this year. How has this helped your company? How will such events positively affect your quality improvement, branding, and certification?

Chen Zhumei: The promotional and exchange event for premium agricultural produce has provided an opportunity to introduce us to the world. Moreover, for enterprises like Zhenye Aquatic, participating in promotional events sponsored by the government definitely means a government endorsement, making us more trustworthy for foreign buyers. Therefore, this event has provided a platform for enterprises to acquire customers.



Guangdong Nanfang Rural News: On the one hand, a lot of Chinese enterprises would like to tap into foreign markets, such as RCEP and top-tier markets in Europe and the US. On the other hand, foreign buyers and chambers of commerce have come to inquire, hoping to find products that cater to local catering demands and conform to the access requirements. Nevertheless, few of them have concluded cooperation. What do you think is the main reason? What experience can you share with us (or what assistance do you need) in precisely locating foreign customers, expanding customer bases, and increasing brand impressions?

Chen Zhumei: This can largely be attributed to the difference in consumption and dietary habits across regions and countries. A lot of people tend to reject foreign food. Another reason lies in the difference in food import requirements between the importing and exporting countries. For example, many countries are very strict with the control of animal fats, and some even do not allow them to be added to food. In contrast, Chinese people are used to animal fats because we believe animal fats have a special aroma and can excite consumers' taste buds. Additionally, the importing countries are different from China in terms of food regulations. Therefore, enterprises that intend to expand into foreign markets must fully understand the laws and regulations of the importing countries before taking action.

My suggestions: First, we should participate in large international trade shows held both in China and foreign countries because such events provide us with a platform to promote our products. Second, we should focus on maintaining our relationship with each of our customers and provide optimal services for them. We should understand that it is quality, not quantity, that matters. Foreign customers value consistency in product quality over cost efficiency.


Guangdong Nanfang Rural News: France creates the Michelin-starred restaurant model. "French cuisine" is a synonym for delicacies in Europe and even around the world. French people are food enthusiasts with refined palates. Meanwhile, "Food in Guangdong" is also the world's recognition of Cantonese cuisine and ingredients. Is there any chance, do you think, to combine French and Chinese cuisine? If there is, where should enterprises start? How can Chinese enterprises and restaurants that are the most skilled at cuisine preparation combine French and Chinese cuisine during production and processing in order to connect Chinese gourmets to those from the West?

Chen Zhumei: French cuisine is totally different from Chinese cuisine in terms of flavors. They can hardly be combined. Chinese dishes emphasize color, aroma, and taste. Among them, Cantonese cuisine highlights umami. Cantonese chefs focus more on maximizing umami from ingredients. Therefore, we should preserve the umami of Cantonese cuisine, which is fundamental, and then refine the flavor according to the target market demands. French cuisine is a unique art that integrates culinary skills, cultural inheritance, and lifestyles. Therefore, it is quite challenging to promote prepared food across France. In this circumstance, we can focus on promoting half-finished products, such as frozen fish and shrimp, offering them safe, delicious, and fresh food ingredients. We should act according to local conditions, which means we should choose the processing method according to the target market.



Guangdong Nanfang Rural News: Which of your product categories are foreign buyers and consumers most interested in? Why? How will you maximize your strengths after this trip? What conditions do you think international trade shows shall possess in order to facilitate the international market expansion of enterprises in Guangdong (or what kind of resources provided by international trade shows will interest you)?

Chen Zhumei: Currently, our half-finished products, including frozen fish, appeal to most foreign buyers and consumers because such products allow them to cook as they like. Additionally, we are vigorously preparing to export prepared food. Specifically, we have adjusted the sauce based on the demands of overseas consumers and prepared and shipped the samples. We have received positive feedback. In my opinion, international trade shows that will facilitate our international market expansion shall have certain visibility and can help publicize and promote our products in the industry. Additionally, they shall be participated in by sufficient buyers in order to increase orders.


Guangdong Nanfang Rural News: How do you like relocating product and processing lines to the target countries? Are you in favor of it? Why, or why not?

Chen Zhumei: Zhenye Aquatic has no such plan currently. Our raw materials are live aquatic products. If we relocate our product and processing lines to the target country, we will lose our raw materials and will be unable to process live aquatic products. This will cause us to lose our strength in raw materials.


Guangdong Nanfang Rural News: In specific terms, which of your products may be the best-selling that will help you expand into foreign markets? Why?

Chen Zhumei: Foreign markets are our major market, and frozen aquaculture products are our major exports. China is a large aquatic product manufacturer. Additionally, we have consistent aquatic product processing techniques, consistent product quality, and reasonable processing fees. Therefore, our products are widely recognized by foreign customers. To provide an opportunity for more friends from all over the world to taste Chinese food and for overseas Chinese to taste the flavors of their hometown, we are making vigorous arrangements for exporting our prepared food products, such as grilled fish hotpots, and various braised fish products, such as sweet and sour fish, squirrel fish, and boiled fish with pickled mustard.



Guangdong Nanfang Rural News: Some enterprises will try the production and supply model of original equipment manufacturing ("OEM") before expanding to foreign markets. What do you think of this practice (you can talk about survival or accumulating customer resources)? What should they do if they want to enhance the reputation of Chinese brands in the local markets?

Chen Zhumei: We typically emphasize both OEM and our own brands during foreign market expansion. This is because some customers are not willing to market our brands. If we force them to select our brands, we may lose them. If they do not insist, we can try to convince them to market our brands. We are also in the process of establishing our brand reputation, so I have no better suggestion than to ensure consistent product quality, which is crucial for a brand to establish a reputation.

Guangdong Nanfang Rural News: Please briefly summarize your experience in the export of Guangdong's agricultural produce in combination with your own experience and your company's orientation and background.

Chen Zhumei: To make Guangdong aquatic products appeal to foreign consumers, enterprises should focus on both taste and product quality consistency. It is essential to pay attention to the consumption scenarios, align marketing with local dietary habits, and develop products in line with local consumption preferences.

【Reporter】 Lin Jianmin

【Source】Guangdong Nanfang Rural News


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